Eligible for Full Refund/Replacement (within 30 days):
- Items different from description/customization.
- Defective, damaged, or malfunctioning items.
- Incorrect or mismatched sizes.
- Lost or missing items.

Not Eligible for Refund/Replacement:

- Requests after 30 days of delivery.
- Damages due to misuse, mishandling, or poor maintenance.
- Personal reasons (change of mind, wrong size, etc.).
- Washed, worn, or soiled items.
- Items purchased on sale or during promotions.
🔅 Do not accept return because the products are customized but your request can be eligible for full refund/replacement...

How to request a replacement or refund:
1. Contact Customer Service.
2. Provide photos/videos of the defective product and shipping label.
3. Receive refund or replacement.
Refunds take 5-14 business days for credit/debit cards and 3-5 business days for PayPal.